Internet takde T^T
Tuesday, 29 November 2011 | 01:10 | 0 comments
Hai and assalamualaikum ! Haih .Dah lame sgt blog ni takde story. senyap je -.- selalu jugak update .Tapi update pasal ape? Tak GA ,contest je .Asyik2 muka aku ni .Masuk contest pon baru menang sekali .Baru permulaan maybe?haha okay according to the title 'INTERNET TAKDE?'yeah ,semalam tenet rumah aku takde .Bukan Takde electric or what .Bapak aku yg cabut pluck tu -,- aku taktahu and aku igt short je ,sbb hujan petir petir kan .Waktu tu aku rasa bodoh sgt tak check .hahaha .Selama takde internet ni .Aku buad doodle je lahh .Nak tengok? takde lah cntik mana .Just simple .ihihi, jom tgkkYg ni saje2 buad sbb nak try buad baju xDni jugak buruk -,-
Ilovethis .But tk rety buad tgn doodle :(ni pun comel kan? \perasan -.-/Ni bruk -.-
Okay thats all .Ugly ? its okay .Andd .don't copy my doodle .walaupun buruk .tolongla yee .Peace :)


Status ;
Hope can win all contest that i've joined :'D
hello, this layout by : fyfahshman with some help from : her and her.All right reserved | Syamim.